A Retrospective Study of Polyethylene Glycol-Electrolyte Solution for Treatment of Fecal Disimpaction.


eMediNexus    25 April 2018

A new article published in Gastroenterology Nursing evaluated the efficiency of the disimpaction therapies – nasogastric polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution in comparison with oral magnesium citrate. The study entailed a retrospective chart review of 103 children to ascertain the time from the start of the clinic cleanout until abdominal radiograph verification of successful stool evacuation. The children included were between 1-18 years of age, with an average age of 8 years, 45 being females and 59 males. Among these, 45% received nasogastric polyethylene glycol-electrolyte, while 55% were asked to drink magnesium citrate. The findings disclosed that children receiving nasogastric polyethylene glycol-electrolyte required 2.5 enemas on an average, and those who were given magnesium citrate required 3.0 enemas. Meanwhile, the average time for a nasogastric polyethylene glycol-electrolyte cleanout was 5 hours 15 minutes and 5 hours 30 minutes for magnesium citrate cleanout. Furthermore, 15% children who received nasogastric polyethylene glycol-electrolyte and 10% of those who drank magnesium citrate did not achieve clearance of stool on the second radiograph. While vomiting was an adverse effect of both medications. From the results, it was concluded that both methods of disimpaction take comparable amount of time. However, magnesium citrate can be difficult to drink.

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